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Socio-economic insertion turns migration into opportunity

Socio-economic insertion turns migration into opportunity

The Socioeconomic Integration Strategy promotes the sustainable inclusion of refugees and migrants. Below are the workshop' conclusions.


The Regional Strategy for Socioeconomic Integration, prepared to enhance the contribution of nearly 5 million refugees and migrants from Venezuela in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, was presented by the UNDP and ILO agencies on March 10, with the support of the Quito Process. Its objective is to facilitate the sustainable inclusion of refugees and migrants in host countries.

On April 5, the subject of Socioeconomic Integration, led by Colombia as a champion country, and one of the ten axes in which the 14 States of the Quito Process work, was treated in depth in its thematic workshop. It should be noted that one of the four fundamental objectives in which the current Pro Tempore Presidency of Peru has prioritized its work in its Lima Chapter is, precisely, the labor integration of refugees and migrants to empower the region itself.

To ratify his commitment to this issue, the Peruvian Ambassador Vitaliano Gallardo, general director of Peruvian Communities Abroad and Consular Affairs and in charge of the Pro Tempore Presidency of the Quito Process, participated as a speaker in the launch of the Socioeconomic Integration Strategy and made a call to understand that the presence of refugees and migrants is an engine for the development of countries. UNDP and ILO led the development of the Strategy, with the support of the Quito Process.

The Strategy focuses on allowing refugees and migrants from Venezuela to be promoters of their own sustenance. It also seeks to foster their sustainable inclusion in host communities and their contribution to local economies.

Finally, in the thematic workshop held on April 5, led by Colombia as a champion country - and held with the support of the ILO and UNDP - the following conclusions were reached that will feed into the VII Joint Declaration of the Quito Process:

  • Facilitate the socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan refugees and migrants, from a regional perspective, serving host communities.
  • Join other countries in the pilot plans and obtain financial support from the international community to implement the strategy.
  • Establish regularization as a point of vital importance to move from a temporary regularization regime to the ordinary system.
  • Facilitate the mutual recognition of degrees, knowledge and skills among the countries of the region.
  • Promote labor mobility strategies between countries and advance on a guarantee fund that covers the risks of financial institutions.


Learn more about Socio-economic insertion.

+ Estrategia regional de integración socioeconómica

+ Regional socio-economic integration strategy